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You have the option of making a one-time donation or becoming a recurring donor—taking the oath to leave no one behind.

The Oath: Take care of those who took care of us. 

The oath to never leave a fallen comrade is a promise—even if we die, our brothers and sisters in arms will do everything they can to bring us home. It’s a mission without end. 

When individuals start the path to become Navy SEALs, they are assigned a “Swim Buddy.” Your Swim Buddy’s job is to stay by your side throughout every physical evolution and never leave you. Now matter how tough, dedicated, or disciplined you are, you can’t be part of a team if you are alone. There is a sense of significance—being part of a community and a cause greater than ourselves. It’s a solemn comfort knowing that someone has your back and will take care of you on the journey. You will never be left behind. 

Police officers, first responders, firefighters, and armed forces personnel all take oaths to protect and ensure the health and safety of American citizens without prejudice. They go wherever they are called, running toward danger instead of away from it. They put themselves in harms way to protect us without thought of personal harm. It’s our duty as American citizens to take their selfless action into our hearts and adopt an oath to ensure that if they fall or need our help, we will take care of them and their families. Leave no one behind.

Thank you for joining us on this mission.


Darren McBurnett “McB,” U.S. Navy SEAL, Ret.


Uncommon Grit Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization #84-4918632.
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.